Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Teen Summit will be conducting several seminars at participating libraries, which will include Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, and Wealth Building. We are currently looking for professionals speakers to conduct seminars on these subjects. In addition, we are looking to offer a meet and greet along with possible Q & A sessions of other community programs throughout the Metro Atlanta area.

Speakers should be prepared to discuss the following areas.

Leadership can have an overview of corporate management, organization development, and/or public speaking. The objective is to ignite confidence, goal setting, communication, and responsibility.

Entrepreneurship can have an overview of idea development, business planning, marketing, product development, selling, and/or legal coverage. The objective is to ignite confidence, salesmanship, innovation, resourcefulness, and planning.

Financial Literacy can have an overview of money management, portfolio & passive incomes, banking, and/or saving. The objective is to instill the importance in money management and good stewardship.

Wealth Building can have an overview of MindSet of Wealth, critical-wealth thinking, plan of execution, consumerism, and/or challenging opinions in the area of wealth.

All potential speakers will be asked to fill out a brief form to share their ideas and perspectives of the subject matter and submit to Kidz 4 Money for approval. We wish to allow the ideas of every speaker to be their own; however, we would like to maintain certain parameters.

Community programs will also be asked to fill out a brief form to share their mission and credo. It is the hope of Kidz 4 Money to create lasting collaboration with any group that specializes in youth development.

We ask that every professional to remember the importance of empowering every teen that attends. Return to Teen Summit News Letter